I use to worry about every decision I would make.
Good or bad .
Always afraid of the outcome.
Don't get me wrong, I have never lacked confidence. Just faith in other people.
I have been the rebel as well as the good girl.
Both can be very stressful.
I won't go on and on about everything I have been through in my life but I will say I have learned an abundance of truth. And wouldn’t have it any other way.
I don’t have regrets, or "wish I could do over's".
I have prayed for wisdom and strength and believe that with the events that have come along I have gained a little bit of both.
I use to be bitter and confused and although the bitterness tries to seep back into my emotions at times confusion no longer plays a part.
I have heard that I am naive, and imprudent.
I laugh at the people who tell me so.
Mainly for their lack of awareness and observation.
I don’t fear change and in fact I welcome it.
But I am finally content with who I am,
the people in my life
and the way we live it.
Today I don't wish for more.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Today my car was backed into.
Normally one would panic, be pissed off, yell, maybe be a little shocked.
But I really didnt have any kinda of negative response.
It was just another normal day with an unfortunant event.
Not that everyday I experience, has misfortune but today just did.
Several things crossed my mind initially
1. I'm going to be late for work,
2. I hope this lady isn't crazy,
and 3. What does my trunk look like.
Than several random thoughts followed.
1. I wish I had my pilots license
2. How much does a jet cost
and 3. I wish I was rich
I assume this thought came about because if I had a jet..
I wouldnt need a car.
In reality I would still need a car. ( obviously I couldnt fly to work.)
Even though if the world revolved around me..I would, but it doesn't
therefore, I was late to work.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
I do my best to remind myself everyday that simple things
can be the most rewarding and they can be ruined by analytical mindsets.
I am very analytical, which isnt always a bad thing, but it can atually cloud beauty and refection.
It tends to balance itself out. And having good friends always helps too..
Yesterday I spent hours trying to figure out the technical color of this flower I took.
Violet, periwinkle, indigo, blue, purple..none seemed to match.
I was getting perturbed because colors are very significant to my photography it was germane that
I named the picture by this mysterious color.
My best friend took a glance at the photo and 2 seconds later said, Blurple.
I laughed with doubtfulness.
When had she come up with this word..?
To my amazement it is a color. It may not be defined in Webster
But it is defined in various other places.
And mentally matched the photo perfectly.
Mainly because it cant be defined with a technical color,
it needed to be made up and merged from two.
Much like you did with words when you were 5 years old on the
playground and and things in life were easy because you made them that way.
Sometimes the answer you are looking for, is quite simple
childish, outside of the box, and frankly more silly than you expect it to be.
Thanks friend.
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