Id just much rather be in bed than at work.
I'm sure you..who ever is reading this,
can relate to the first time you open your eyes in the morning and the intense urge to shut them immediately in the same second, and even than, its not soon enough.
Sleep never feels as good as it does when your alarm goes off;
the covers have never been more warm;
and your eyelids have never been heavier.
This morning I couldn’t find any valid excuses for staying in bed,
except for the fact I wanted to finish my dream.
My lala land ruin by the buzzing noise that made everything freeze.
Like putting a movie on pause.
I hit snooze like I was pressing play.
I kept telling myself, "Just five more minutes..five more.. Okay five more.."
By this point though the dream world had long gone. And I found myself chasing it.
"Stupid alarm! You stealer of dreams!..I hate you so bad right now!"
Roll out of the covers into the cold air, open the bedroom door eyes still shut.
It's not that I dread the new day.
It's just that I loathe waking up in this way.
I want to wake when my dream has come to an end.
But the sudden screeching, and persistant fuss it wretched.
I have to jump up in panic and fight the covers and pillows to find the snooze button.
My sorrows only deepin once I realize
all this will be repeated again..
the same way..
the same time.. tomorrow.