I use to worry about every decision I would make.
Good or bad .
Always afraid of the outcome.
Don't get me wrong, I have never lacked confidence. Just faith in other people.
I have been the rebel as well as the good girl.
Both can be very stressful.
I won't go on and on about everything I have been through in my life but I will say I have learned an abundance of truth. And wouldn’t have it any other way.
I don’t have regrets, or "wish I could do over's".
I have prayed for wisdom and strength and believe that with the events that have come along I have gained a little bit of both.
I use to be bitter and confused and although the bitterness tries to seep back into my emotions at times confusion no longer plays a part.
I have heard that I am naive, and imprudent.
I laugh at the people who tell me so.
Mainly for their lack of awareness and observation.
I don’t fear change and in fact I welcome it.
But I am finally content with who I am,
the people in my life
and the way we live it.
Today I don't wish for more.