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“If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up." - Garry Wonogrand

Friday, December 16, 2011

Your secrets safe with me.

A secret is most commonly defined as 
"Something that is kept or meant to be kept unknown or unseen by others".
Sometimes secrets can be thrilling; happy secrets. 
Or even bad ones; ones that are to good to be kept contained ironically once you label something as being a secret, "don’t tell anyone but.." is exactly when it becomes notorious.
Maybe so much as a whisper from ear to ear, a text or a hint, a gesture, a smile, a wink, a hesitation in response, and before you know it that once a secret thing is staring you back in the face.

A secret is also defined as 
"Something that is not properly understood; a mystery."
"Secret" could be applied more often than just the notion of sharing and telling. 
 It could be applied to events that have happened, things you have seen and questioned, or people that come into your life. I see, hear, and experience secrets everyday. My favorite secrets though are the ones best kept.          The ones that are secrets until you no longer want them to be or until they no longer need to be defined as such.
 The secrets you keep to yourself in a little box with a bow wrapped around it.
The secrets you know wont be secrets forever..


  1. Pretty deep meanings for a word I normally define as "something I will go to extremes to hide from my parents to keep my butt out of trouble."

    No, I'm not a troublemaker.
    I just have incrediblyridonkulously strict parentals. :P

  2. o wow.def LOVING this post :-)

  3. I can't recall who said it, Twain or Franklin I think. "Two can keep a secret, if one is dead."

  4. this is going to sound really random but i SAW THAT PICTURE OF joseph gordon levitt that you have on the right side on pintrest yesterday and i almost died, i love him.

  5. awesome post! :)

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