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“If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up." - Garry Wonogrand

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Clubhouse of awesome-cool dreams

There are many things I miss from my childhood.
Things I can’t do anymore.
Like playing outside in jelly sandals in the dirt, or climbing trees or playing cops and robbers, or having imaginary friends. If I did any of those things now, people would think I just came from the Looney bin ..or needed to go to one. Can you imagine me sitting in a tree barefoot talking to an imaginary Fred?! I took my childhood for granted. How would I have known though; what the world was going to be like. What’s that saying, “If I knew then what I know now..”, I would have played a lot harder and not argued about taking naps.

This Saturday was a blast from the past. I watched Saturday morning cartoons and  built a fort in my living room with my boyfriend.
I know it sounds totally silly and childish, but it was amusing and quite gratifying.
Not only to be goofy and relaxing in PJ's but to watch my boyfriend configure this fort. Using sheets and kitchen chairs with floss and hangers and old strings. He got so into it. (It was pretty comical dear)
Building the fort was surprisingly more tricky than I had expected it to be. Granted it was tricky when I was younger and would take half the day to complete it (probably because I was just as OCD then, as I am now) but I had assumed the “growing up” part of life would have helped with the fort-building knowledge. Now that I think about it, there was never a class for that in school.
Anyways I had forgotten at first how to make a fort. I knew what supplies would be sufficient but couldn’t really remember how to put it all together. It’s like that movie “Look who’s talking now” with John Travolta and Kirstie Alley. Once you hit a certain age you lose the ability to recall certain things a baby would or whatever it was. Hmm maybe that was a different movie?..
I forgot what it was like to be 6 years old and cookin’ up adventure in my fort. Imagining I was in a secret clubhouse and other people could only enter under certain conditions like stating wacky passwords or coming up with ridiculous handshakes.
The fort symbolized a reminiscence of adolescence. I loved it and that I would have someone in my life who loved it as well is great. I recommend everyone relive a part of their childhood that they loved. Why not? It’s pretty cool, if I do say so myself. J

Does anyone remember POGS?


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Dear Lysol

Ugh you failed me Lysol.
You were suppose to kill the germs and keep me safe.
You told me you would remove 95% of the allergens.
I guess the other 5% got the better of you! Or me for that matter. :(
The viruses and bacteria beat your Lemon-Lime-Blossom disinfecting skills.
I thought you had my back Lysol..I thought we were friends..
Who else am I suppose to rely on.. Purell ?
Psh I tried that was a joke.

Okay okay..maybe I’m being a bit harsh.
I’m just really upset because my throat hurts so bad my nose won't stop running,
And this cough..ugh its terrible and gross.
Now I have to use Theraflu everyday..:(
AND I TOLD YOU about what Nyquil does to me…
Please Lysol wont you step it up next time. I mean I really don’t want to stop using you.
But what’s the point if I get sick anyways.
I know..I know you keep my desk at work shiny and smelling good..but
Windex can do that. You really want to be replaced with Windex??


A sick person

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