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“If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up." - Garry Wonogrand

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Hello March, give me more glitter please.

This morning I woke to an awful shoulder pain
and snow flakes falling on my window glass.
Surprisingly so I wasn’t that disapointed.
Normally I would toss and turn in bed looking for any excuse to call in sick.
"My car is snowed in..There is a wreck in front of my drive way..I slept with my window open and now im sick."
But instead I got up with no complaints.
I was ready to be at work and ingulfed by the ordeals of others rather than my own.
I am sick and tired of my own ordeals. Mainly because I can't do much to change them.
I fear this blog will turn into my diary of frustrated stammers and sad hem haws. 
Somedays I guess are better than others.  As will be my blog postings.
I want everyday to be great and happy La-Dee-Dahs, 
but who am I kidding having the mentality and naïve nature, reality hits and my heart is flicked off my sleeve again. 
My words scream out loud sometimes and they are used and twisted however people 
may want them to be. But at least I get them out of my brain so that they aren't fumbling about disrubpting the others.
I rather get the unwanted grey thoughts out and make room for more glittery ones.
Anyways (quick change of pace), Just wanted to say Happy March! :) 
More La-Dee-Dahs to come… <3


  1. I love this!!!

  2. Tomorrow will be better :) Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. I appreciate it.



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