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“If I saw something in my viewfinder that looked familiar to me, I would do something to shake it up." - Garry Wonogrand

Friday, November 11, 2011


Today my car was backed into.
Normally one would panic, be pissed off, yell, maybe be a little shocked.
But I really didnt have any kinda of negative response.
It was just another normal day with an unfortunant event.
Not that everyday I experience, has misfortune but today just did.
Several things crossed my mind initially
1. I'm going to be late for work,
2. I hope this lady isn't crazy,
and 3. What does my trunk look like.
Than several random thoughts followed.
1. I wish I had my pilots license
2. How much does a jet cost
and 3. I wish I was rich
I assume this thought came about because if I had a jet..
I wouldnt need a car.
In reality I would still need a car. ( obviously I couldnt fly to work.)
Even though if the world revolved around me..I would, but it doesn't
therefore, I was late to work.


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